How “Maxxrecovery” additives support and restore the power of gasoline engines
Tests conducted to generally accepted international industry standards confirm the effectiveness of Maxxrecovery gasoline additives in removing multipoint injection nozzle deposits. In addition, the data provided also ensures that gasoline with the addition of Maxxrecovery Additives in the recommended dosage meets the World Fuel Charter (WWFC) fuel injector cleanliness requirements for Category 4 gasoline as set out in the 2006 WWFC revision. The level of deposits in the intake valves of six vehicles in the fleet is shown below. The results are consistent with the superior performance demonstrated by the MaxxRecovery detergent system in industry standard intake valve removal tests. In addition, this data at 80,000 km demonstrates how you can keep your intake valve clean by using an effective detergent additive.
A fleet of vehicles was also used to determine the cleaning performance of the detergent additive for MaxxRecovery gasoline in road conditions. A number of vehicles have been used that have been running on fuel for some time without the MaxxRecovery detergent additive. After driving approximately 20,000 km at an equivalent dosage of 150 ml / 50 liters, 70% of contamination was observed to be cleaned, confirming the excellent cleaning performance observed in engine testing.
Removing Intake Valve Deposits – M102E Engine In addition to providing protection against the formation of deposits in the intake valves, the dosage of MaxxRecovery detergent is used to remove deposits that have already formed. This cleaning of deposits from the intake valves improves vehicle performance, which in turn results in lower emissions and lower fuel consumption. The effectiveness of MaxxRecovery Gasoline Detergents in removing deposits that have already formed has been proven in engine tests to industry standards and in real-world driving conditions. High cleaning efficiency has been demonstrated in the industry standard test of the Mercedes M102E engine for 60 hours.
It has been clearly demonstrated that the 150ml / 50l MaxxreRecoveru additive package significantly removes existing valve deposits.
Removal of deposits in multipoint fuel injection nozzles
Industry test standards have been developed based on European approaches to assessing the effectiveness of detergents in removing deposits from multipoint injection nozzles. The technologies implemented in the Peugeot 205 XU5 JA engine are widely used in Europe. Independent tests have been conducted to evaluate the performance of this engine when using Innospec gasoline detergent formulations.
Here, the data clearly show that tests conducted to generally accepted international industry standards confirm the effectiveness of the MaxxRecovery multipurpose additive in removing deposits in multipoint injection nozzles. In addition, the data provided also ensures that gasoline with the MaxxRecovery package added at the recommended dosage meets the World Fuel Charter (WWFC) fuel injector cleanliness requirements for Category 4 gasoline as set out in the 2006 WWFC revision.