How “Maxxrecovery” Additives Improve Truck Performance
Modern engines are a complex system that requires uncompromising fuel performance. Advanced fuel injection systems are characterized by extremely high temperatures and high pressures that cause fuel to decay. The result is a build-up of stubborn deposits around the valve seat and injector nozzle. This impedes the free movement of fuel and ultimately jeopardizes engine performance. Black soot-like deposits can also form in the fuel filter, further reducing filter efficiency. The complex additive Maxxrecovery Diesel Additive Clean & Protect Truck was developed in conjunction with OEMs (original engine manufacturer) and has undergone numerous engine tests to assess the control of deposits for trucks, as well as laboratory tests for serviceability and the absence of unwanted effects. The performance data and the results of evaluating the absence of undesirable effects of the recommended complex additive are given below.
Test in the mode of cleaning the engine XUD9
The test was carried out in a scrubbing mode in accordance with the CEC F-23-01 procedure to evaluate the effectiveness of the additive in removing deposits pre-formed on the nozzles. A summary of the results of testing the purification process with the involvement of the MaxxRecovery Clean & Protect TRUCK additive for diesel fuel, both in the absence and in the presence of biofuel additives, is presented below.
As the above data show (obtained 10 hours after the start of the test cycle with a fuel tank volume of 300 liters), using the recommended dosage provides excellent cleaning of the injectors of the Peugeot XUD9 engine.
XUD9, cleanliness test
Tests to evaluate the cleaning performance of the Maxxrecovery Diesel Additive Clean & Protect Truck composition and to protect the injectors from deposit buildup were carried out using a 1.9 liter Peugeot XUD9 engine, in accordance with CEC F-23-01 procedure. Typical results obtained in these tests, expressed as a proportion of deposits at a 0.1 mm needle travel, for diesel fuel, both in the absence and presence of biofuel additives, are shown below.
As the above data show, with a recommended dosage of 150ml 300L Maxxrecovery Diesel Additive Clean & Protect Truck, an excellent cleaning effect is achieved.
DW10 Clean Mode Test
Testing in accordance with the CEC F-98-08 procedure was carried out with the inclusion of MaxxRecovery additive in the fuel at a recommended dosage of 150ml / 300L. Data obtained using CEC reference diesel fuel grade DF79 + 1 ppm zinc is shown in the graph below.
The data above shows that when incorporated into MaxxRecovery fuel at the recommended dosage of 150ml / 350L, excellent performance is provided by a high speed direct injection engine without loss of power.